Monday, 1 October 2012

Ghost in the TV machine

When I was growing up, 3 things scared the living bejeezus out of me.
  • The 1945 film, The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • This song:
  • BBC's Ghostwatch
2 of these things can wait for a later explanation.

I watched Ghostwatch for the one and only time back in 1992 and, if you saw my tweet tonight, you'll already know - I am so very happy to now reveal I ordered the DVD of Ghostwatch from Amazon last week. I am excited to find out if it was as awfully frightening as I remember.

From what I can remember of it, it was the Grimm fairytale to the later Disney-fication of the form with the more recent Most Haunted.

Once I watch it (possibly near the end of October...) I will be sure to report back. Through the medium, not Derek Ackorah, but of this blog.

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